Philip Hewson's Solo Exhibition - Industry & Nature
來自英國的插畫家與大學講師的Philip Hewson
這一次榮幸能與大家分享Philip Hewson在台灣首展-Philip Hewson's Solo Exhibition - Industry & Nature
充滿故事性的繪本創作,透過 插畫展講述工業革命後對於世界所帶來的衝擊,
This selection of works represents the core theme of my work which is ‘Industry & Nature’. Humanity longs for a return to a simpler life, but we are in too deep with our machines and the resulting wars.
The answers may not be easy to find; that is not to say that there isn’t hope.
The stand alone pieces and short comics in this exhibition all visualise characters and anthromorphs that struggle under or break free from industrialism or the conflicts which it creates.
Much of the inspiration for my work comes from the eroding legacy of the industrial revolution. The temporal nature of our wars, technologies and cultures is something I see visualized through the earth reclaiming what people have built and healing what they have destroyed.
While technology and war imagery features in my work, I prefer to think that I am diverging from pop-culture through my reasons for using them. Much of the illustration work from video games and movies today celebrates weapons technology innovation and heroes whose skill sets surround killing.
In my work I avoid graphic violence or sexualization, as I prefer my work to carry its messages subtly and be suitable for audiences of all ages.
有些在我的獨立作品和短篇漫畫中的擬人角色正在工業主義的影響下掙扎, 有些則是試圖從工業主義和工業化所產生的矛盾中得到自由。
我大部分的靈感來自於工業革命遺留給後人的影響。我認為戰爭、科技和文化是暫時性的, 因為大自然有權利收回人們所建造的世界並且復原人類在地球上所造成的一切破壞。
展覽名稱|Philip Hewson's Solo Exhibition - Industry & Nature
展覽時間| 6月23日(日) ─ 7月7日(日) 12:00-20:00
展覽地點|火腿設計師藝廊 高雄市三民區九如二路681號2F
展覽者 | Philip Hewson