展覽時間 | 11/10 sun-12/1sun
開幕分享會 | 11/10 sun 15:00
地點 | 火腿設計師藝廊2FA Monster ADay游尊鈞粉絲團 |

我的太空朋友/My Outerspace friends
總是在心裡默唱著”電台司令”的那句:「What the hell am I doing here? I don't belong here.」
總是感覺自己有點那麼不合時宜,總是處在一個沒有歸屬感的環境,懷疑自己就像個外星人。而我的朋友,瞭解我的人,也全在那遙遠的大氣之外。 也許,這就是我們的狀態吧。我們全都貌似處在某種過於喧囂的孤獨當中,但我們依然純真的保有一顆赤子之心;不論遠在他方有我們的太空朋友,又或者這些太空朋友就住在我們心中,我想:如果真的有那麼一個非去不可的地方;那麼,現在就開始打造屬於我們自己的太空船吧。
總是在心裡默唱著”電台司令”的那句:「What the hell am I doing here? I don't belong here.」
總是感覺自己有點那麼不合時宜,總是處在一個沒有歸屬感的環境,懷疑自己就像個外星人。而我的朋友,瞭解我的人,也全在那遙遠的大氣之外。 也許,這就是我們的狀態吧。我們全都貌似處在某種過於喧囂的孤獨當中,但我們依然純真的保有一顆赤子之心;不論遠在他方有我們的太空朋友,又或者這些太空朋友就住在我們心中,我想:如果真的有那麼一個非去不可的地方;那麼,現在就開始打造屬於我們自己的太空船吧。
Sometimes I feel like we are all individuals distanced from different light years apart, though everything seemed so close and yet so far away. As darkness shadowed away from behind, we favored the light and overlooked the dark. We imagined maybe someday we will be in some places with our friends; our lives could all be in the wonders of far away utopia. A constant replay of Radiohead song in my head singing, “What the hell am I doing here? I don’t belong here.” Sometimes I feel like an outsider living in somewhere I don’t belong, like an alien from the outer space, and even isolated far from my love ones. Perhaps we were all solitary living in some sort of chaos but remain an innocent at heart. Maybe there are our friends existing far away in space or maybe they live right in our harts. I think if there is a place that must seen, that’s now begin to build our own spaceship!
一天一怪獸/A Monster A Day
怪獸的日常。 英語裡有句俗諺:「An apple a day,keeps the doctor away.」
現代人的生活裡存在著許多壓力與無奈,而我想把這些稍縱即逝的感想與情緒,藉由畫筆每天將之幻化(幻畫)成怪獸的方式,來獲得情緒上的抒發與出口。 於是,就成了A Monster A Day,希望在這個畫的過程裡,讓這些怪獸可以幫助自己的心理健康,也希望可以帶給看的人一些共鳴與安慰,然後,繼續保持心情愉悅的面對生活裡的各項挑戰。
現代人的生活裡存在著許多壓力與無奈,而我想把這些稍縱即逝的感想與情緒,藉由畫筆每天將之幻化(幻畫)成怪獸的方式,來獲得情緒上的抒發與出口。 於是,就成了A Monster A Day,希望在這個畫的過程裡,讓這些怪獸可以幫助自己的心理健康,也希望可以帶給看的人一些共鳴與安慰,然後,繼續保持心情愉悅的面對生活裡的各項挑戰。
The series of "A Monster A Day" started because I
wished to express our perpetual stress and powerless emotions in our everyday
lives by creating an imaginary monster a day. Hoping that it would be a healing
process for releasing those emotions and remained optimistic through all
upcoming challenges along the way. I also wished that it would provide the same
kind of comfort for my audience as well.